idea of modren stored program
idea of modren stored program John Von Neymann was a mathematician. he was interested in the success of digital computer ENIAC. he undertoo...Read More
the birth of biology
Dr. Abdus salam said : scientific knowledge is the common heritage of mankind. science is the study in which observations are made, e...Read More
Pascal's pascaline Calculator
Pascal's pascaline Calculator Pascal invented a meachine that had a system of gears. A one-tooth gear engages its single tooth with a ...Read More
black hole histroy and facts
A black hole is a probable remnant of a star that is at least 3 solar masses in mass. A black hole has practically infinite density due t...Read More
history of Pascal's pascaline Calculator
Pascal's pascaline Calculator Pascal invented a meachine that had a system of gears. A one-tooth gear engages its single tooth with a ...Read More
history of Charles Babbage
Charles Babbage Charles babbage, a mathematics perfessor. He began to design an automatic mechanical calculation machine, which he called ...Read More
top amazing facts that will blow your mind
Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) went to Syria with Abu-Talib at the age of 12. tthe Holy prophet (SAW) was born in the month of Rubi-ul-Awwal. Hazr...Read More
history of Napier's Bones
Napier's Bones John Napier, a Scottish mathematicianm created logarithm tables to facilitate calculations. He also created a device u...Read More
Amazing science facts about life
Impulses may travel as fast as 150 netre per second or slow as 0.2 metre per second... Brain of an adultman weight about 1.5 Kg and consi...Read More
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